
Are you hosting an event in San Luis Obispo County?
Let us know by submitting your event below!

Events must take place in San Luis Obispo County to be considered for publication.
Please see our Event Submission Guidelines for additional publication criteria.

Date and Time


It shows next to event time on the Single Event Page. You can enter notes such as timezone in this field.


Custom Days Repeating

Add certain days to event occurrence dates. If you have a single day event, start and end dates should be the same, If you have a multiple day event, the start and end dates must be commensurate with the initial date. Read More

:label: x
  • First
    • Sun Sun.1-
    • Mon Mon.1-
    • Tue Tue.1-
    • Wed Wed.1-
    • Thu Thu.1-
    • Fri Fri.1-
    • Sat Sat.1-
  • Second
    • Sun Sun.2-
    • Mon Mon.2-
    • Tue Tue.2-
    • Wed Wed.2-
    • Thu Thu.2-
    • Fri Fri.2-
    • Sat Sat.2-
  • Third
    • Sun Sun.3-
    • Mon Mon.3-
    • Tue Tue.3-
    • Wed Wed.3-
    • Thu Thu.3-
    • Fri Fri.3-
    • Sat Sat.3-
  • Fourth
    • Sun Sun.4-
    • Mon Mon.4-
    • Tue Tue.4-
    • Wed Wed.4-
    • Thu Thu.4-
    • Fri Fri.4-
    • Sat Sat.4-
  • Last
    • Sun Sun.l-
    • Mon Mon.l-
    • Tue Tue.l-
    • Wed Wed.l-
    • Thu Thu.l-
    • Fri Fri.l-
    • Sat Sat.l-
Occurrences times

The event will finish after certain repeats. For example if you set it to 10, the event will finish after 10 repeats.Read More

Event Data

Hourly Schedule

Add new days for schedule. For example if your event is multiple days, you can add a different schedule for each day!

New Day

Add new hourly schedule row

Event Main Location


Choose one of saved locations or insert new one below.Read More

eg. City Hall

eg. City hall, Manhattan, New York


If you leave the latitude and longitude empty, Modern Events Calendar tries to convert the location address to geopoint, Latitude and Longitude are the units that represent the coordinates at geographic coordinate system. To make a search, use the name of a place, city, state, or address, or click the location on the map to find lat long coordinates.Get Latitude and Longitude

Remove image

Other Locations

You can select extra locations in addition to main location if you like.

Event Main Organizer


Choose one of saved organizers or insert new one below.Read More

eg. John Smith

eg. +1 (234) 5678

eg. john@smith.com

eg. https://webnus.net

Remove image

Other Organizers

You can select extra organizers in addition to main organizer if you like.

Event Cost *


By submitting your event you acknowledge that you have read our Event Submission Guidelines.

Have a question? Email us at hello@sanluisobispoguide.com

Your Event Submissions

Please Login/Register in order to see your own events.

Event Submission Guidelines

1. Approval Process

All events will be reviewed within three (3) business days of submission. If approved, the event will appear on our event calendar within one (1) business day (total of four (4) business days for review and publication).

2. Event Information

All events must meet the following criteria to be considered for the event calendar:
– Location is within San Luis Obispo County
– Open to the public
– Has a start and end date, no open-ended events please
– Does not promote hate or the vilification of any group or individual

3. Event Image or Icon

All event submissions must include an event image or icon. By submitting your event you acknowledge you have the rights to use the icon or image, and authorize San Luis Obispo Guide to publish it on our event calendar.

Tips for image or icon submission:
– Optimal aspect ratio: 4:3
– Do not include text on the image
– Image should be horizontal

4. Event Details

Event details must meet the following guidelines to be published on San Luis Obispo Guide’s event calendar:

Event Name
Event name must be clear, and cannot include language considered hateful or harmful to any part of the San Luis Obispo County community. Events considered harmful or hateful will be rejected.

Event Dates & Times
All events must include a start and end date, and a specific start and end time.

Event Description
Please include as much information about your event as possible. The description should be written in third-person (i.e. no “I” statements). San Luis Obispo Guide reserves the right to edit descriptions that do not meet this standard, as well as for clarity and accuracy of the content.

Event Contact Information
All event submissions must include a telephone number and contact address at a minimum.

It is highly encouraged to also include an event website so our readers can get more information, purchase tickets, etc. URLs for the event should point directly to an event page, not a general website.